Cathrine (b. 1974) -

"My work is mainly related to textile materials and techniques. I create surfaces, dimensional objects and installations. Rooted in traditional techniques, I like to work in the tension between cultural heritage and contemporary expressions. The time-consuming processes and techniques fascinate me, and the investigations are shaped by the tension between the analytical and the intuitive. I linger on nature's structures and metamorphoses, and question assumptions in textiles and transformations in various materials".

"Studying my grandmother's hands threading the needle up and down, up and down, and up and down again – creating woven patches on worn out wool socks. And sitting beside my mother, watching her hands guide the fabric at the sewing machine or patiently embroidering with thin linen treads on beautiful linen textiles. And then, making my first trying attempts as a very young girl, imitating their movements and techniques, it was textile that became my main material".

Cathrine has a various textile and weaving education, in addition to a BA and MA in Design, Art and Crafts. She is a Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Design, Arts and Crafts in Volda.

Member of

Aggregat Kunstnerfellesskap

Norske Kunsthåndverkere

Cathrine Yksnøy